Monday, August 07, 2006

HI AGAIN! heel pain

just in case anyone still checks this.....

well, it's been, count 'em, 3 months about, since i last wrote. why? what is the sad news to report? just that i couldn't face writing about how i was a slug, did nothing after p.t. didn't help much....sat around feeling sorry for myself and trying to get the gumption to go to the gym and do non-bone-jarring cardio>....

june came around and i was a tired, sorry bag of blub. by 3 pm i was needing a nap and wishing it was bedtime for my precious kiddos. at the end of my rope i surrendered (first to God...AGAIN) then called my dear friend who sold ADVOCARE. "i give up," i told her. "bring me a spark!" so she did. i started drinking it and went on the 10 day cleanse immediately.

well, a few wks later we were hooked. line...sinker. so, i've been on the mns appetite control ever since. love it all. in 2 months, now, i don't know my inches but i've lost 10 pounds. tho i'd like it to be 30 (and counting) i'm quite excited about 10.

on the down side: something HORRIFYING and excruciatingly painful has been happening to my right heel. nothing sparked this. i'm pretty sure, thru self diagnosis, that this is plantar fasciatis. but we're still paying off p.t. and i just cannot bring myself to run up another bill. i will have to
  1. go to the doc -- $15 copay
  2. get weighed -- $way too much
  3. get a referral
  4. go to the podiatrist -- prob $25 copay since specialist
  5. get weighed --$$ this won't cost me as much (psychologically) since they have no record of previous wts for me
  6. order orthodics?? $$300 at least!!


again i say it: ugh

but i'm talking: in the morning or after i've sat for any length of time...i can BARELY WALK. i hobble. i've gotten pretty good at walking on the ball of my right foot and wonder at the detriment this may be doing to me. after a while it gets a tad better.

i was relegated to NEVER going shoeless months ago. but it's SUMMER, for crying in a mud puddle! so, eventually, i broke down and went in for birkenstocks. this is a huge step for me. ugh. i have always HATED birkenstocks! well, walked in and they had CUTE summer ones (thonglike) on sale for $65! i was expecting $100 and guess what? all the regular priced birks in the store were $120!!! good grief. i think it's one of only 2 places that sells in tricities.

oh dearie me. i honestly feel so old. so depressed. this pain is atrocious. at times, when i'm just sitting, or standing but not putting any wt on my right heel, there will be BURNING shots of pain coming from there! WHAT IS THIS????? it is awful. i could cry, just writing. i feel hopeless as far as exercise is concerned. my calves are killing me. in the past this has always been from LACK OF exercise. i stretch them a lot now (cuz i know that is good for this problem) so it can't be cuz they need stretched.

i'm really at a low here, folks. I know Jesus is the Healer and I'm praying for that. and guidance on what to do. i'm scared i'll do the whole doc route to NO AVAIL.

again, i know if i lost all the wt i MIGHT not have this problem. but it can't HELP matters. i do know skinny people though who have had this malady.

help me! advise me! pray for me, PLEASE.

i've missed you!



Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hey KT,

Nice to see you are back blogging, though I'm sorry to hear about the PF.

Have you been following my blog? I was diagnosed with PF about 2 months ago! Now, my knee is feeling much better, but the PF keeps me from running. Very frustrating!

The bike and elliptical machines at the gym have kept my physical body in shape, but psychologically and even emotionally, it is tough. Just gotta keep goin' though...

Please keep your blog updated. We like to know how you are doing! Hang in there. You are not alone.

8:21 PM  
Blogger oldhall said...

I'm sorry about all that stuff, I hope you're better now.

12:55 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hey KT,

Thanks for your comment on the blog. So sorry to hear that your heel pain continues. I found that stretching my calves several times a day really helped.

I would not start a walking program until the plantar fasciitis settles down...

Put up a blog post soon, eh?

10:11 PM  

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