oh boy! Friday 3-24-06
i guess i could go get my handy garmin
and relay here all the miles i've been slogging...
but the # would be so miniscule it'd hardly be worth it.
slowly but surely (and not for the past FIVE days)
i've been slogging on "the trails" sort of behind my house....the desert.
the news? we got a dog. rescued a golden lab/BEAGLE!
can you believe that mix?
the telltale beagle signs are his markings (white feet, blackish face)
and his BAYING.
yep, he TREES THE CATS and then bays! nice.
musically, i mean.
but anyhoo, he's a great running pardner.
he might not be right beside me (i don't have to keep up)
but i know he's out there somewhere...so i feel safe and not alone.
i just go during the day
but sometimes those lonely trails are so....lonely.
he chases jackrabbits (you should see that!)
and birds and i don't want to know what else.
those are the things i've SEEN, running away
@ high rates of speed.
he also waters every single sagebrush for a 5 mile radius.
i know he's OUT OF WATER by the time he lifts his leg on like bush #10
but he continues to stop and lift after that anyway.
i think he saves up all day long!
no WONDER he's always so excited to "go bye bye!" =)
oh yeah, ya wanna know HOW i know he's out of water?
cuz, out there in the desert, drops of liquid can be SEEN
as they hit the ground and turn to mud.
if he lifts close to the path, i can count the mud spots.
i've counted as few as one...then, the well runs dry.
funny, tho, he continues to lift.
does he know he's not accomplishing anything?
i think not. and he's so deliriously happy,
it wouldn't matter anyway.
i'm sure he believes that whole area back there is his territory.
i'm sure it smells like it by now.
i'm really glad I can't smell it!
but about the jogging.
i've been going about 2-3 miles a couple of times a week.
it's much harder than my normal
(once upon a time) street or paved path routes.
very hilly and bushy and rocky at times.
but i'm sure it's much easier on my joints.
and it's so much fun.
but didjya know my dear hubby is down in New Orleans?
so, this week will be a little harder to get away
w/o him to stay w/ the kiddos.
yep, he is on a team from the area churches here who will be,
starting tomorrow, "mucking out" some houses
for some hurricane victims.
very cool. but we sho' do miss him!
so hey y'all. and i hope to be BACK ON THE ROAD AGAIN soon.
building up mileage.
but not too fast and furious.
slow and steady wins the race?
i don't care about no race...winning that is.
i want to run in them. period.
love and God bless to all.
Had to do a double take to check that it was really a new post. Glad to see your out and about.
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