Wednesday, February 15, 2006

alas and alack

wow. it's been so long, i almost forgot my password! and it's only really been about a week i guess. this is the point --in my former life-- where i'd say poo-eeey on the whole thing and give up. i'm trying not to be that way. i am trying to have faith that one of these days i'll wake up (almost typo'd that as "quaked up" which would also be appropriate) and go for a little 2 or 3 mile run. and i won't be in too much pain.

i have not been walking.

i have not been stretching.

but, good thing, and glory be, i have also not been to p.t.

can't exactly recall the last day THAT was.

there's just so ding-dang much been going on here.

i kinda feel like our fam put life on hold for a week to let a dear friend of the family pass away. yep, he's dancing with Jesus now, of this we are all sure. but while he was having his last week, his daughters, good good friends of our's needed some help w/ their kiddos. so a few times we had them over (each daughter has a passal of 3 little ones!) or headed to the park w/ them to let them blow off steam. respite.

that, and then on friday last i SUDDENLY came down with the most horrific chest cold known to man. my daught had had a cough (JUST a cough) for about 4 days at that point. well, with a BANG i developed an awful pain in my chest and an IMMEDIATE cough! productive and all! that, my friends, has never happened to me. usually a bit more gradual than that! what ensued was 3 days ( i kid you not ) of fever, chills, and aches! what is UP? just toDAY i'm coming over it.

well. and all that to say. i've not been up to a darn thing!

my bro and fam from michigan will be here tomorrow! yeah-blippety-hoo! can't tell ya my excitement. yes, this is my bro who instigated the buying of my garmin-forerunner. for all my appreciation, whilst i be able to run a single mile with him? i shore do hope so.

yes, i'm bummin. i have a p.t. appt tomorrow morn. not looking forward to it. i'm, by now, convinced (w/o running atall yet) that a layoff completely of a week has cured a lot of my woes. ails. i wish i hadn't-a-had to do it. i have had to change my outlook. i'm hoping to start again. and start slow. and build a bigger base. i'm NOT planning on any marathons in the near future. time will tell, eh?

would you believe i also have my TWENTIETH high school reunion this summer as well? good grief.

thank you all my supporters and prayer partners! let's keep on praying together even if we can't run! =)


Blogger ipodmomma said...

been thinking of you, and glad to hear you're back, however, sorry about that nasty cold!

I've been taking some time off from walking as well, but might go out today... we'll see...

sometimes we need a change of pace, and God has other things for us to do... sounds like He's been putting you to good work!

enjoy your bro, and will be thinking of you at the PT... prayers and love are sent!

11:31 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hey KT, sorry to hear about the cold. Don't go running outta blog-land, just because the legs aren't running, OK? You're part of our community now, sista!

Hey, I can't run (may even have a stress fracture!), but I'm still here!

How about we make a pact to recover together and then one day, find the time and means to run side-by-side.

Sound good?!

Hugs to you and hang in there. We miss you when you're not blogging!

3:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can hear the frustration, but am glad to hear it rather than nothing at all. You seem to have more faith than most and I know that is all you need to get you through. Take care.

11:31 PM  

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