Monday, January 02, 2006

salt and headache and baring it all

okay, at the risk of OVER POSTING ON MY OWN BLOG IN ONE DAY i must mention a few things.

I. i forgot to tell y'all, i had a wonderful experience: LAST week, after my 7-mile (long) run, i came home and noticed something white on my forehead. what is that? it was a bit crusty. i scraped some off. then, lightbulb. i actually TASTED it. SALT. ohmygosh! i ran into the kitchen. "HONEY, i have SALT on my forehead!!!" i was SO excited! i remember when my friend hope told me the gross part about her first marathon were the huge chunks of salt on her forehead...SWEAT that solidified. at the time i thought, "that is TOTALLY disgusting." that was when i had no desire to run a marathon. i seriously thought she was off her nut.

so, last saturday, i thought, "I'VE ARRIVED! I HAVE SALT ON MY FOREHEAD!" i was deliriously happy! weird, i know.
just thought i'd share.
since i share everything else here.

***a friend wrote me an EMAIL --you'll see why in a sec-- saying she just doesn't "get" sharing her innermost thoughts in cyberspace. thus, i think, the reason she emailed me instead of commenting right in my blog! love you KIM. now every one knows your innermost thought!***

II. about the headache. after my 8 miler on friday i developed an excruciating, almost debilitating headache later in the day. like the precursor to a migraine. thank God it was gone by day's end. normally, that sorta thing would turn into a full blown migraine the next day. yuk.

well, i was reading in my great manual, The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer about dehydration. the effects of dehydration are headache, nausea, diarrhea, etc. Could i have been dehydrated? doesn't the RAIN count for something? doesn't the fact that i was DRENCHED count for some of the hydration? isn't that the definition of HYDRATE? i DID drink a whole bottle of water on the way home. and a whole bottle (16 ounces) of gatorade. if the monsoon didn't HYDRATE me, certainly all that FLUID did!

who knows, maybe it was just a flukey thing. but NONE of those symptoms were around next day. hmmmmm...

III. lastly, a few posts ago, i mentioned 'baring my arse' or some such verbage. sarah elaine posted a comment that she HOPED I WAS WEARING SHORTS OR SOMETHING. so, of COURSE, i MUST clarify! yes, i was COVERING my behind w/ regular running stuff. i actually wore 3 layers: underwear, run.shorts, and sweats! what i WASN'T wearing was like a big shirt, or a sweatshirt tied at the waist...or sum such thing to COVER my "arse." i feel like it's a security blanket. my dh sweetly points out that it doesn't make it look smaller. he's just being honest! =) i've always kidded myself that if i cover it up w/ something (ie shirt, etc.) it's sorta hidden ... like folks won't know it's (all) there! ha!

the things we do.

what i've found my quest to be 'normal' a normal size, a normal eater, a normal that MOST PEOPLE (i dare venture: EVERYone) is abnormal JUST LIKE ME in our thought patterns, phobias, dysfunctions...

yeahoo...i fit in after all!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Whew! Glad to know there was something covering your arse. ;-)

Just kidding, KT... I figured there was! You just don't strike me as the public flasher type.

And yes... part of being human is being abnormal, I think... It's all relative, normalcy... and highly over-rated.

9:44 AM  

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