Tuesday, January 03, 2006

only 2.36 miles

i did go back out there this morning. when i did, it was very foggy! ick. it was also quite icy. here i am, trying to "stay outta the gutter" (remember, 'cambered surfaces') , off the icy spots (which also happen to be the sloping-down-to-the-gutter part of each side of the road)...so i'm slipping, keeping my eyes PEELED for cars so i can quickly-w/o-slipping get to the curb; trying out my new, sorta step: last nite read in runner's world that perhaps i'm trying too hard to land easy--on my heel; so they say to focus on pushing off on your big toe; SO in all this haze, i ran a couple of loops around my neighborhood. i knew i was cutting short my planned 5 miler, down to 3 but by the time i got around the 2nd time i realized i'd have to cut it even shorter to get to the doc in time. so:

stats: Tuesday, 1/3/06 7:51 a.m.
28.09 minutes
2.36 miles
max: 9.37 min/mi
avg: 11.56 min/mi

took 2 ibuprofen b4 starting out. okay pain wise.
exhilerating, tho, to have a quick run, shower fast and be out the door.
feels good to get it all done b4 8:30 a.m., too! love that!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

You're amazing!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Well now that I have just read your previous post and see the doc's comments about the ibuprofen and alleve... let me add also that I have read that you need at least 600 mg for any anti-inflammatory effect ... which is 3 tablets of the over the counter stuff.

Sorry things are going rough for you my friend ... I'm continuiing to lift you up in prayer!!!

6:56 PM  

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