Tuesday, January 17, 2006

i'm runnin in the rain, just runnin in the rain!

rain rain go away, come again some other day
actualmente, it really isn't too bad. we are IN THE DESERT, you know. so in general, we NEED rain. so i'm notta complainin'....but....well, it makes for a kinda WET run! i don't worry so much about my body. i will dry. i wear a hat (a new novelty for ME in 2005...originally as a disguise=)) so it's not like my face gets wet ('cept from sweat) and there's no rain running into my EYES (now, that would be a painola, katola.)

i guess all that just to comment on the fact it was raining for my run today. i would hate to just come on here and say, went for a run. it was painful.

i MEAN! that is OLD NEWS! come ON!

okay, so: 4 miles; 45.24 time. a few one minute walks. and a few stretches. i did do some sprints. now THAT musta been a sight to see! i just did loops around my neighborhood. YAY. we all know how much i love loops. (do i sound jewish? like george on seinfeld? hope not.)

BY NOW, i've gotten SARAH'S running tunes onto my iPod. oh.my.goodness. was that ever a tri-AL! good grief. it's a good thing i have a very inteligente husband. i was working on that thing for hours. i think, POSSIBLY, there might be something wrong w/ my iPod. it is NOT as user-friendly as they'd make ya think. i mean, the downloading software, importing songs, converting to AAC (whatever THAT is) etc. etc. About 3 times i got it all on the Pod, computer SAID the iPod was completd, only to unhook the thing, plug in the earphones ... and ... nothing.



alas. HE finally figured out that, since we have an OLDER computer (mine of course) and the usb port on it is not as FAST as it really wants you to have...that we have to unhook printer and camera port. THEN the iPOD got all updated just dandy. (dandily?)

so, got to use her tunes in the iPod and it was cool. i still have to post the pic of my owie under enell!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Glad you liked the tunes, though sorry you had so much trouble downloading them! iTunes is supposed to be user-friendly!

8:21 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

my girls don't have ipods, but other mp3 players, and they can't use itunes to load music onto their non-apple players... kind of a bummer...

rain is okay. but I wear glasses, and they get all spotted...

have a blessed day!

12:00 PM  

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