Monday, February 06, 2006

okay, the title makes it sound like, "wow, astym really worked for me." well, the jury is still out on that one. but here's the lowdown.

last thursday afternoon i went in to p.t. Instead of my regular intern p.t. guy Joe, i got the head honcho, Ken. mega-p.t-guy. he's the owner of the business. a hugely impressive stature and PRESENCE.

well, a few minutes into it, after talking over Joe's notes and my problemos, he brings up "ASTYM." this is a technique whereby they take a sharp-edged, plastic tool (looks like the tool you spread wallpaper with...or puddy over tiles...yknow?) and SCRAPES it up and down your legs. he did both sides of my shins on fronts of legs, both calves, AND both back of upper legs (hams?). the objective is to break up the tissue and muscle fibers that have healed wrongly or are cross-bridged, etc.

let me tell you, this procedure was .. no less than...EXCRUCIATING. i mean...OW. WOW! i didn't know if i could help SCREAMING in pain! i kid you not. i didn't but...i'm not sure how i w/stood it. it was awful.

side effects were that i could turn black and blue (really? ya think?). well, by sunday (could've been saturday too, i can't remember) i had bruises but only mostly on my upper inside of fronts of legs--right below knees. today they were round spots. looked more like the HULK had grabbed my leg and left his fingerprint bruises. youch.

supposedly, it can be like a miracle thing. people who were in so much pain they were stymied, are able to get up and DO their sport (or MOVEMENT) of choice. how could i refuse this? so i acquiesed.

he said i could run 2-3 miles the next day. i might even do it sans pain.

i did run 2.5 the next day. but not pain-free. i guess the other thing is that it could take 7-10 procedures to get where you want to be. joking, right? i am not sure i could willingly GET inflicted w/ that sort of pain again. let alone numerous times. i just do not know.

i walked saturday. pain toward end. but not the extreme pain of running. nothing sunday. but on my feet a lot. aching legs/feet by end of day. nothing today. busy busy. wanted to walk tonite but too scared to go out in the dark.

p.t. today. JOE taped my legs up. wants me to walk WITH the tape ...see how it goes. he said the tape might last 2-3 days. so i hope to go out tomorrow morn.

i have some ideas about what my life is changing into ... i'll save it so this doesn't become too long. 'preciate all the support and prayers!

oh yeah. also went to doc. for itching. it became unbearable. he gave me a steroid (6 one day, 5 the next, 4,3,2,1 for a week) and an antihistamine that doesn't knock me out. well, the itching stopped for 3 days so i didn't start the 'roids. then, with itchy hands Sun.morn. I decided to go ahead and go on them. so, i'm on day 2. i feel good. seem to be having something akin to mens.cramps. oh yay! but dunno if that's really a side effect. he's hoping to 'restart my system.' i hope it works and i don't see that ugly itchiness ever again! ugh!

yes, sarah, i think i just need to sllllow it down and start over. one of the things head honcho p.t. guy said was i just might need a bigger base and build much more slowly than the 16-week plan for the marathon. i keep telling myself (and others) i want to be active for life. i want to run for life. not just for the marathon.

so, folks, while it's been fun, i might disappoint a few and not do a 'thon till fall or later! t.b.a.

on a happy note: my bro and sis in law and NEICE are coming to town next week! can't wait!

love to all


Blogger ipodmomma said...

wow.... that sounds really intense!!!! I don't know if I could willing undergo that kind of thing either...

prayers are with you! glad the itching seems to have abated...

much love...

11:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's good to hear from you kt. No worries on the marathon. No one says you have to run one in a certain amount of time. The life approach is much better, imo.

6:29 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Never heard of that particular torture technique, but if it works, then who cares?

If it makes you feel better... I am taping my knee too...

Here's to healing together...

2:24 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Read your posts and here is hoping you have a quick heal! Sounds like a lot of not fun at all.

Take it easy once you get healed and build up methodically once your ready to start putting miles back on the road.

12:37 PM  
Blogger celebrationofgrace said...

Four years ago I had Astym treatment on my shoulders. Left lots of bruising and was very painful. The head Honchess recommended it and then went on to do my BACK. Ouch! Lots of pain but remember they are tearing the muscle down so it can repair itself (see their website for better explanation). Well, I had my right ankle, foot and toes this last week and boy, did I come completely off the table when she did the bottom of my foot!!! It turns out that my plantar fasciitis is back! That explains it. She took it easier on me after that but it was still quite painful. The good news is that just before the treatment, I could not bend my toes at all and after the treatment I could bend them! Yay! It made a difference right away. I'm planning on having another treatment next week and will see if improvement keeps coming. Well, best to you and many blessings. Jesus is the Way!

12:38 AM  

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