Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What Doesn't Kill You...

what is the end of that? something uplifting and positive, I'm sure.

well, p.t. Joe gave me the go-ahead to WALK. so i've been itchin to do so ever since...yesterday. so, today, when i had 2 hours b4 brad would head to work, i said, "i want to go for a 2 hour walk." i mean if walking is good, running is better, right? if running a couple of miles is good, running a LOT of miles is better, right? and when your muscles start to pull away from the bone and it is a painful NOT good thing...well, doing NOTHING is bad and WALKING is better, RIGHT?

tell me i'm right. or don't. i know i am.

funny thing: my hip muscles (IS there such a thing?) were feeling it! i don't walk slowly. but i also don't do that 'fast-walking' stride thing w/ my arms all up under my armpits and waggin my tail. (i bet yer glad about that!) but i do walk a quick clip. (say that 6 times fast.)

i listened to the end of my mystery story. ON MY JOGGER WALKMAN. yep, dug it outta the bowels of some drawer. no, really, brad listens to cds on it when he's falling asleep and we're not intertwined. so it's been out. but i haven't EXERCISED w/ it for years. and i haven't used it but one UNFORTUNATE day, running, ever since my wonderful aunt and uncle got me my wonderful ipod.

my PREVIOUSLY wonderful ipod. now it's puke. that's a nice term for what it is now. defunct. there. you get the pic. doesn't work. i will hopefully contact apple and hopefully they will send me a brand new one. i've heard of such things happening. even my techie hubby can't get it to do it's thang so, i give up.

for walking, tho, this old jogger thing is okay. it fit in my pocket. the pocket of a coat that i could wear because i was WALKING. and i don't bounce. so, no enell. and no bother w/ the jogger...it didn't bounce in my pocket. so there you have it.

but, walking still isn't very FUN... in other words it's kinda boring. so, i really could not make myself go very far. that's okay. i was feeling it. and a little bit of pain. so i feel okay in stopping.

2.2 miles
36.25 minutes

"fair-to-middlin' " (some phrase my mother uses...i think it means "it was so-so" or "it was okay") ( i hope that's what it means.) it has to be okay. someday i will set out w/...i dunno, a new ipod w/ lots of good songs and perhaps some scripture memory or something. with lots of time and i'll walk like for an hour. it will be my "long walk." i have to be fine w/ that. there MUST be options. or i will not survive and i'll blow up like a balloon. and, as the weather gets better, and IF i get a comfy seat, i can drag out the ole bike and put some SERIOUS mileage on that thing! okay, greg?

the itching is present. accounted for. took 1/2 a benadryl this morn. it is @ it's WORST in morn and night. ugh. a. lug.

but God is good and life is grand!=) God bless!


Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

So any idea what was the cause of the itching? has it stopped? Almost does sound like an allergy of sorts but I'm not a DR nor do I play one on TV...

That which doesn't Kill you only serves to make you stronger :o)

Sounds like you are one strong lady!

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walking is way better than doing nothing. We tend to be depressed when we can't run and walking will probably do you as much good mentally as physically during this time when you can't run.

Does Apple have a website where the software for the ipod can be downloaded and reinstalled? I had a glitch on mp3 player (not and ipod) and reloading the software fixed the problem. Just a thought.

5:28 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

so sorry the itching is still there!!!

I love walking. could do it all day... running is nice, but it just makes me hurt too much afterwards... :)))

Babette's Feast is one of my faves too... :)))

3:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This fam member doesn't LURK, m'dear, just check in every 3 weeks or so to see how my dear sis is and by the time I've caught up the KIDDOS are ready to jump all over me or are SCREAMING for attention, thus I never do get around to comments. Sorry.
Sorry to hear 'bout your itching. Not a fun sensation. I've had it before but I usu can ID it and take a shower immed and take Benny and it goes away. I've never had the mystery one. I'll pray!
I HAVE had the ultrasound many a time....pretty interesante, eh? I like the massages but they didn't ever offer those as much. Which PT office?...I've been to 2 here. I looooove one right across from the "Co" as you termed it. :o) Do you ever miss the co? Alas I stray off subject and I must attend to the little ones. Love you. Sister lurker.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Sister Lurker? This is the Big Boppa. Have you tried Ban Unscented deodorant? What do you do about cat furs if you can't stand misplaced hairs? I don't mind hairs but attest those furs. R U making fun of my walking with my arms up under my chin? You or Em got me started with that style watching a video. Praying for you and your itchities. Make them go away, Lord. We claim healing for Katie in the Name of Jesus! She is covered by THE BLOOD. Don't say I didn't comment.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hi KT,

Didn't your physio dude tell you how LONG you could walk for? Hell, I had to start out with 10 minutes of walking! No more.

When I could do 10 w/o pain, I upped it to 20... then to 30.

I'm not kidding you one bit! I think if I'd started with 30+ minutes of walking, he would have come after me with a great big accupuncture needle!

If you have what I have (and it does sound that way)... we have to give the knees time to recover... and do alternate stuff, or it will just prolong the whole process. And I'm into month number 3 of physio here!

In any event, my thoughts are with you, spunky gal! Your fan club isn't going anywhere!

2:49 PM  

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