Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Doctor's Appt

Okay. i went. great doc. informative. willing to sit and listen. **A RUNNER.** interested in my CONTINUED running. spent a lot of time w/ me.

he ordered a bone scan. since (i knew this) stress fracture and shin splints don't show up on x-ray. he doesn't think either one of those w/b the case. also ordered p.t. and referred me to an office he really thinks is great. he thinks it is the out-of-balance muscles...i'm working on the muscles in calves ... a LOT... but the rest of the muscles are out of whack. so the idea is to work on the OPPOSITE muscles, build them up so they carry their weight? something like that.

interestingly: he says he's HEARD of programs like the one i'm working. but says something like, "typically they DON'T WORK!" well, he doesn't know my friends. i'm not knocking him.

one of the other insights he had was something like,....if you don't up your total weekly mileage enuff, it's more of a hardship on your legs for the one long run you DO do each wkd. well, if you have been reading, you'll remember this is one thing i worried about. i just thought that if each wk i added one mile, eventually, i could make my body run 26. apparently, all that OTHER mileage really does help.

don't get me wrong. i really do know THAT part of the program. it's just that, cuz of the pain, i can't run as many TIMES per wk.

so, we'll get to the bottom of this. i'm in RELIEF mode. with a little bit of FEAR-OF-THE-EXPENSE thrown in for good measure. i can't believe it took my 4months to get to a good m.d. and get this ball rolling. a side bennie, btw, is that he also wrote on the referral about my non-tracking knee. so i'll get exercises for and help w/ that too. he says in the LONG RUN using the brace could make the knee weaker.

ALSO, while he is uncertain as to whether or not i'll be able to run the YAKIMA MARATHON the first wkd of April, he is positive about the ability to keep running. no negativity here. a future marathon!!

so, all systems are still go. but i did not run today. i am going to go in to p.t. tomorrow a.m., "cold." i guess. i still think perhaps i should run there. we'll see. they said either way. what to do.

thank You, Lord...my God and my King...I surrender all


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I take it by "p.t." you mean physical therapy? Or what we just call "physio" up here?

If so, then welcome to my world!

I, too, have a muscular strength imbalance. Fairly common says my physio guy and trainer. I had to quit running (for the time being!) while I strengthen my legs. I have a whole routine to leg and core exercises (including the infamous squats!) along with ... don't groan... a modified leg press in the weight room, designed to target the vastus medialus (inside the leg, above the knees).

See, all the fun new words you get to learn when you do physio?

I've been doing this for about 2 months now... and maybe soon I'll be back to running... Soon!

Don't worry if you can't do a particular race... running is for life. There will be other events to aim for. (At least, that's what I keep telling myself...)

Hugs to you. Soooo glad you got to see a Runner-Doctor!!

4:06 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

Sarah is spot on... take your time, and get well...

I have this horrible head cold, so no walks for me... looking forward to getting back out there....

11:58 PM  

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